Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wastages Disposal Procedure

Wastages Disposal Procedure

Microbiological Wastage Disposal : 

1)      Inactivate all used and contaminated culture media by autoclaving at 1210C & 15 psi for 15 minutes
2)      Overlay the surface of all autoclaved wastage with 35% Formaldehyde solution
3)      Send to Rupatoli fo disposal into Sand damping once in a week.

Chemical Wastage Disposal :
1)      Collect in container  of all waste chemical that is  used in analysis such as alcohol, organic & inorganic acid etc.
2)      Transfer waste to inactivate to Rupatoli ETP Plant fortnightly.

Liquid Wastage Disposal :

Penicillin Wastage:
1)      Collect the wastage into a container
2)      Deactivate the penicillin with 5% Ammonium Hydroxide.
3)      Perform the penicillin deactivation test and others test such as DO, BOD, COD etc. as per approved Test Procedure
4)      Dispose it.

Non-Penicillin Wastage:
1)      Dilute all wastage  with water
2)      Perform all test such as DO, BOD, COD etc. as per approved Test Procedure
3)      Dispose it.

Washing Water and DM Plant Wastage Water Disposal:
1)      Collect all ampoule washing water and Resin cleaning wastage water of  DM Plant into Specified Reserve Tank
2)      Mix  all wastage water into Reserve Tank
3)      Perform Chemical Test such as pH, TDS etc.
4)      Dispose it.     

Solid Wastage Disposal:

1)      Transfer all solid wastage such as paper, polythene, PVC, Alu cutting, damped cloth etc to Solid wastage deposit area in every morning
2)      Send  to Appointed contractor

Dust or Powdered Air Disposal :

Tablet Coating Dust Disposal:
1)      Extract the dust or wastage powder by dust collector
2)      Transfer this to Dust Treatment Plant
3)      Sparkle the water to settle the dust or  powder into specified tank
4)      Filter the water and dispose into drain
5)      Collect the settle material
6)      Deactivate the material as per procedure
7)      Dispose it.

Dust Disposal of RM Store:
1)      Extract t the dust  by dust collector from the dispensing area
2)      Transfer this to Dust Treatment Plant
3)      Sparkle the water to settle the dust or powder into specified tank
4)      Filter the water and dispose into drain

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