Monday, May 27, 2013

Laminar Air Flow in Aseptic Area

LAF(Laminar Air Flow) : 

Laminar Air Flow is the flow of air currents in which streams do not intermingle the air moves along parallel flow lines, used in LAF hood to provide air free mg’s over the work area. It can deliver clean air in vertical, horizontal direction


Lminar air flow also available in vertical flow & horizontal flow :


                                                                                                 Horizontal Air flow

                                                                                               Vertical Air Flow

Laminar Air Flow Cabinet: Placed under HEPA filter and Air velocity is 0.45 m/sec.

HEPA filter integrity: 0.3 µ and 99.997% efficacy.

Temperature and Humidity: (22±2)°C, (50±5)%

Air pressure difference: Positive pressure must be maintain in the processing room  & 10-15 Pa higher than in the adjacent rooms

Microbial growth monitoring: A=<1/plate/4hrs, B=<5/plate/4hrs, C=<50/plate/4hrs, D= <100/plate/4hrs.

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